Space Coast Community Honors Brevard County Exemplary Science Teachers

Each year, the Space Coast Science Education Alliance (SCSEA) honors the top science teachers in Brevard County. The Exemplary Science Teacher Award is given in recognition of teachers who go above and beyond to foster a love of learning and develop science literacy among their students. This year, four teachers received the distinguished award.

“It is a true honor to celebrate four of the most dedicated and talented science teachers in Brevard County,” says Kevin Smith, president, SCSEA. “We are grateful for their contributions and the opportunity to recognize their hard work.”

The 2024 Exemplary Science Teacher Award winners are:

  •  Elizabeth Youngs, Viera High School
  • Nicole Nelson, South Lake Elementary School
  • Alexandria Wicker, DeLaura Middle School
  • Kayla Wildenthaler, Mila Elementary School
Photo of award winners holding their gifts in front of sign.
(Left to right) Alexandria Wicker, DeLaura Middle; Elizabeth Youngs, Viera High (Hall of Fame Inductee); Kayla Wildenthaler, Mila Elementary; Nicole Nelson, South Lake Elementary. Photo credit: Sherri Shields

Additionally, award winner Elizabeth Youngs was also inducted into the SCSEA Science Teacher Hall of Fame. This recognition pays tribute to science teacher leaders with a long and distinguished record of inspiring excellence in science among their students and colleagues.

“The impact these educators have on their students and the schools they serve is invaluable,” says Smith

“It’s heartwarming to see the lightbulb when students understand the concept being taught,” says Elizabeth Youngs. “The best example was a student coming into class telling me she was involved in a car wreck, and because of her knowledge from the class, she understood the physics of what happened.”

Every teacher has a different approach.

Alex Wicker begins every year telling her students that everyone who has ever asked a question is a scientist, which is normally met with eye rolls. “My favorite part of teaching is watching those eye rolls disappear throughout the year as students gain confidence and feel empowered as scientists,” says Wicker. Kayla Wildenthaler turns her classroom into various learning stations—such as surgical units, bat caves or meteorologist stations—to create the full experience of the lesson. Nicole Nelson’s goal is to stay curious, and she loves it when a question is asked that she doesn’t know. She responds, “I don’t know, but let’s find out.”

The awards dinner was hosted by the UCF’s Florida Solar Energy Center® (FSEC®) in Cocoa, Fla. In addition to the banquet dinner, each teacher received an honorarium and a one-of-a-kind fossil trophy.

Brevard Public Schools Superintendent, Mark Rendall, offered congratulatory remarks to the teachers welcoming them to this “elite club” of Exemplary Science Teachers.

“SCSEA makes a special effort to recognize Brevard’s outstanding science teachers so that they feel appreciated and are inspired to remain in the teaching profession,” says Susan Schleith, SCSEA Treasurer. “Our kids and our state depend on them.”

Photos of the awards dinner can be viewed here:

The SCSEA is a nonprofit representing organizations and individuals who work together to improve scientific education and STEM literacy in Brevard County.  For more information about the Exemplary Science Teacher Awards or SCSEA, please visit

FSEC® is the state’s premier energy research institution. Created by the Florida Legislature in 1975 to advance research, development and education in solar energy, FSEC’s focus includes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable transportation research, demonstration, and education. FSEC is administered by the University of Central Florida and is located in Cocoa, Florida. Learn more at:



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