Does Purchasing a Supplemental High-Efficiency Mini-Split Heat Pump Make Sense?

Mini split air conditioning fan above interior house door near stairway, photo.
Ductless mini-split heat pumps were installed in the main living area of 10 Central Florida homes.

In Florida, space heating and space cooling is customarily accomplished by central systems with unavoidable air distribution losses as ducts – often leaky – pass through unconditioned space. High-efficiency 1-ton, supplemental, inverter-driven ductless mini-split heat pumps with a 25.5 seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER), and 12 heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF), were installed in the main living area of 10 central Florida homes with the goal of reducing space heating and cooling energy by decreasing runtime of these less efficient systems. The SEER rating is 1.8 times as efficient as the new federal minimum level for conventional central systems and even more efficient than the older systems in these homes

Installed as a supplement, the mini-split installations showed median energy savings of 33% (6.7 kWh/day) for space cooling and 59% (6.5 kWh/day) for heating in the existing homes where they were added. An added consumer benefit is a redundant heating and cooling system, creating tolerable interior conditions during main system failures.

Two additional homes received high-efficiency, ductless heat pumps as complete central system replacements – a single ducted unit and a multi-split design. These homes exhibited cooling energy use savings of 37% (7.8 kWh/day) and 29% (3.5 kWh/day), respectively. While significant cooling savings were measured, the multi-split installation suffered comfort issues. The mini-split replacement, however, showed superior interior moisture control and maintained the space 1oF lower on average.

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Evaluation of Mini-Split Heat Pumps as Supplemental and Full System Retrofits in a Hot Humid Climate*


*This paper was presented at the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Pacific Grove, CA on August 22 -26, 2016.

Can Smart Thermostats Save Energy?

NEST thermostat reading 76 degrees installed on wall
“Smart” thermostats were installed in over 30 research homes.

Thermostats are the central switch that controls operation of heating and cooling systems—commonly the largest energy end use in homes. That energy setup/setback has potential for energy savings has been demonstrated repeatedly in well-controlled evaluations. Thus understanding how the occupants and thermostat interact is key to controlling energy use. Programmable thermostats have often been bypassed by occupants. Newer “smart” thermostats get around these problems by self-programming depending on heuristic or machine learning evaluation of user control habits as well as sensed occupancy. These modern devices use a combination of data on occupancy, weather, and thermostat-setting preference to help consumers with automated setback/setup schedules.

Researchers at FSEC installed smart thermostats, primarily the Nest Learning Thermostat, in more than 30 research homes. A full year of sub-metered hourly temperature and heating and cooling system operation data were available prior to the installation of the smart thermostat allowing detailed evaluation of temperature-related changes. Overall measured heating and cooling energy savings averaged 9.5% with some significant variation among homeowners.

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Evaluation of the Space Heating and Cooling Energy Savings of Smart Thermostats in a Hot-Humid Climate using Long-term Data*


*This paper was presented at the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Pacific Grove, CA on August 22 -26, 2016.

USDA Subsidized Energy Audits for Florida Ag Producers and Rural Small Businesses

By Janet McIlvaine

The University of Central Florida’s FSEC conducts energy audits, renewable energy assessments, and technical assistance for the USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grant and loan program which is specifically for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements. Any Florida agriculture operation or rural small business is eligible for FSEC support. The USDA subsidizes 75% of FSEC’s audit cost.

Two FSEC employees review solar access maps with business owner.
Solar access maps are produced and reviewed with business owners as part of FSEC’s technical assistance.

The audit includes an on-site visit to inventory energy use, utility bill analysis, evaluation of efficiency improvement options, projected annual energy savings, all summarized in a REAP-required Technical Report, and assistance with completing the technical portions of the application. Grants are eligible for up to 25% of eligible project costs and range from $2,500-$500,000 for renewable energy systems and $1,500-$250,000 for energy efficiency improvements.

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Join Us Online! Electric Vehicles: At the Intersection of Transportation and Energy

This month’s UCF Energy Connections Seminar, “Electric Vehicles: At the Intersection of Transportation and Energy,” is now being offered online.

On Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2016 at 11 a.m., please join the seminar from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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