Retrofit Florida: Create Jobs and Save Money on Electricity from Florida Solar Energy Center on Vimeo.
Author: Sherri Shields
School Applications Now Being Accepted for Solar Funding
COCOA, Mar. 18, 2010 – Ninety public schools in Florida will be competitively selected to participate in the SunSmart Schools E-Shelter (Emergency Shelter) program, administered by UCF’s Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC). Each school will receive a solar electric system with battery backup – complete with installation, educational resources and materials, training for school personnel, and professional development for teachers. Schools must submit an online application by April 12, 2010 to qualify for selection.
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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS from Florida Hydrogen Initiative NOW AVAILABLE
The Florida Hydrogen Initiative (FHI) is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funded hydrogen and fuel cell program managed by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) and the University of Central Florida (UCF). At the present time, this effort has about $1.5 million in funds that are to be awarded in competitive solicited projects. Thus, the purpose of this announcement is to transmit the FHI RFP to you in order that you or your organization may respond to it. Download the RFP. Please note the Final Applications must be received by April 23, 2010, 5:00 PM EST. They are to be submitted to:
Q: Can state funds can be used for cost share?
A: Yes. The only exception to cost share is that federal funds may not be used.
Q: Do I have to fill out DOE SF424 forms for the budget or can I use my own?
A: Applicants are not required to complete the DOE SF 424 R&R Budget Form and should ignore references in Section C.1 to “Field K.” Applicants may use their own form as long as the requested level of detail is provided in the budget and the corresponding budget justification. As stated in Section D, applicants selected for negotiation of an award may be asked to provide other budget information, including certain DOE forms (to be specified).
The Florida Hydrogen Initiative (FHI) is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funded hydrogen and fuel cell program managed by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) and the University of Central Florida (UCF). At the present time, this effort has about $1.5 million in funds that are to be awarded in competitive projects. For these proposals, DOE Golden has required that proposals be openly solicited and then be evaluated on a competitive basis. The only restriction on these funds is that FSEC/UCF is not eligible for funding. The purpose of this notice is to make the hydrogen community aware that a RFP will be issued in the near future. Read more
FSEC to Oversee Installation of Solar on 90 Emergency Shelter Schools
COCOA, Feb. 18, 2010 – The Florida Solar Energy Center at the University of Central Florida will administer a $10 million state program to install solar energy systems on 90 public schools.
The SunSmart Schools E-Shelters (Emergency Shelters) program, unveiled this week by Gov. Charlie Crist, is expected to boost Florida’s clean energy sector by providing job opportunities to local installers and vendors. The grant money will come from federal economic stimulus funds.
The solar electric systems, also known as photovoltaic (PV) systems, will provide power during outages, offset electricity costs to the school during normal operations and reduce greenhouse gases. Read more