FSEC Advises Residents on Energy-Efficient Purchases During Tax-Free Week

Florida residents can save money on energy-efficient appliances and other products during a tax-free holiday from Oct. 5 to 11, and advice from Florida Solar Energy Center researchers can help residents make purchases that will cut their energy bills.

The sales-tax holiday coincides with Energy Efficient Week and applies to new products with the “Energy Star” label that cost $1,500 or less. Residents will save money long after they receive the tax break because they will use less energy throughout the life of the products.

The Gossamer Wind series ceiling fans, developed at the Florida Solar Energy Center at the University of Central Florida, are among the products that qualify for the tax savings. New refrigerators, washers and programmable thermostats also are eligible. Read more

Applications Now Open for the 2006 Florida Energy Achievement Award

Applications are now being accepted for the 2006 “Florida Energy Achievement Award” that recognizes a company, organization or individual that has made a significant achievement in the efficient utilization of energy, energy conservation, energy education or renewable energy in the state of Florida.

The award is presented annually by the Florida Solar Energy Center to recognize statewide leadership in sustainable energy savings. The selected winner will have achieved significant results in energy efficiency, conservation, energy education or the use of renewable energy in their facility or program. Sarasota County Government received the first award that was presented in 2005. Read more

FSEC to Host 2007 Middle School Science Bowl

The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to be a regional site for the 2007 Middle School Science Bowl – the fifth consecutive year that FSEC has been a host of this event.

The Middle School Science Bowl is a two-part competition featuring a fast-paced academic question-and-answer event and an engineering challenge in which students design, build and race a model-sized hydrogen fuel cell car. More than 2,000 students participated in the 2006 competitions around the country. The winning team in the competition held at FSEC was Harris County Carver Middle School from Harris County, Georgia. Read more

Florida Solar Energy Center Announces the 2007 Short Course in Fuel Cell Technology

Scientists, engineers, educators and others interested in learning both the basic and applied aspects of fuel cells are encouraged to attend “The 2007 Short Course in Fuel Cell Technology” to be offered at the Florida Solar Energy Center February 4 – 7, 2007. The course is co-sponsored by Scribner Associates and The Electrochemical Society.

The 4-day program will focus on polymer electrolyte and direct methanol fuel cells. Lectures present the theory of fuel cell operation and outline the principles behind state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques, and complementary laboratory sessions provide hands-on training of fuel cell testing and performance evaluation for all participants. Read more

Symposium on Environmental Sustainability to be Held at FSEC on June 11

An interactive symposium “Awakening the Dreamer – Changing the Dream” will be presented by The Pachamama Alliance at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) on Sunday, June 11, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. This environmentally oriented program looks at “where on Earth are we going?” and “what can we do about it?”

The symposium will examine issues of environmental sustainability, spiritual fulfillment and social justice on Earth today. Participants will gain new insights into opportunities to positively shape and impact the planet’s future with their everyday choices and actions through the use of video clips by respected scientists and thinkers, short films, information and dynamic group interactions. Read more