Used Automobile Oil May Be a Source of Hydrogen

While the phrase “Hydrogen Economy” is heard often these days and is widely anticipated by people who hope to see our world function using renewable energy carriers, all agree that a lot of complex preparatory work still needs to be done.

One of the more interesting hydrogen projects going on now at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) deals with a unique way to produce hydrogen. Dr. Ali Raissi and Karthikayan Ramasamy are developing a process to produce hydrogen based on reformation of used automotive lubricating oils. Read more

Florida Solar Energy Center Announces Winners of EnergyWhiz Olympics

The annual EnergyWhiz Olympics, a day-long series of activities dedicated to students with an interest in alternative fuels, was held at the Florida Solar Energy Center in Cocoa on Saturday, May 7.

The day’s three featured events were the Junior Solar Sprint competition (JSS), the High School Hydrogen Sprint competition and the second phase of the Florida Middle School Science Bowl: the Hands-on Hydrogen Demonstration. Read more

Florida Solar Energy Center Hosts EPEC Awards

Exemplary Projects in Energy and Conservation (EPEC) Awards were presented to 21 Brevard County students at a reception and exhibit at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) on Tuesday, May 10.

The projects receiving EPEC Awards were selected by judges from FSEC, the Space Coast Clean Cities Coalition and the National Energy Foundation at the regional science fairs held in February and April. Read more

Florida Solar Energy Center Offers Free Renewable Energy Workshops for Farmers, Ranchers and Rural Small Businesses

To help increase the number of Florida agricultural businesses that apply for nearly $30 million in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grants for farmers, ranchers and rural small businesses with renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) will conduct workshops in Tallahassee (May 18) and Stuart (May 23). Since only a few Florida farmers or ranchers are taking advantage of these opportunities, FSEC received a grant through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Million Solar Roofs Program to develop and administer these workshops to Florida’s rural and agricultural communities. Read more