FSEC Looking for Vacant Homes to Study Ways to Control Relative Humidity and Avoid Mold in Seasonal-Resident Homes

The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) is looking for “a few good houses” for their research on relative humidity control in vacant homes. If you’ve got a house located within 60 miles of Cocoa, Florida, and you’d like to make it available for this monitoring project that will help improve the cooling and comfort levels in Florida homes, let us know about it.

The study will be conducted between now and October, and is a Phase II project of ongoing investigations of issues and approaches to relative humidity (RH) control in homes. Financial incentives are available for homes chosen for the study. Read more

EnergyWhiz Olympics to be Held at FSEC on Saturday, May 7

The annual EnergyWhiz Olympics, a series of day-long activities dedicated to students with an interest in alternative fuels, will be held at the Florida Solar Energy Center in Cocoa on Saturday, May 7, beginning at 9 a.m.

The day’s events will include the Junior Solar Sprint competition, the High School Hydrogen Sprint competition and the second portion of the Florida Middle School Science Bowl — the Hands-on Hydrogen Demonstration. Read more

Darlene Slattery Receives FSEC Distinguished Researcher Award

Darlene Slattery, a Senior Research Chemist, has been named the Distinguished Researcher at the Florida Solar Energy Center for 2005.

Slattery, who has worked in FSEC’s Hydrogen R&D Division since 1989, earned her Ph.D. in chemistry at the Florida Institute of Technology in 1999.

Her primary area of research has been in the storage of hydrogen to be used for automotive purposes. She has investigated magnesium hydride, lanthanum magnesium hydride, and complex hydrides such as lithium aluminum hydride. All of this work has been funded by the U. S. Department of Energy. Read more

Workshop on Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel and Bio-Diesel Fuels set for FSEC

“Understanding Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel and Bio-Diesel,” an alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) training workshop, will be held at the Florida Solar Energy Center in Cocoa on Monday, April 18. The workshop will be hosted by the Florida Space Coast Clean Cities Coalition in conjunction with Traviss Technical Center. The U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Environmental Protection and the National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium are program sponsors. Read more

FSEC Cited by National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners in Energy Future Resolution

The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) was recently singled out as one of the country’s “pre-eminent organizations” conducting research today on ways to ensure adequate domestic energy sources in the future.

The resolution, adopted by the board of directors of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) on February 16, included FSEC in a group of leading national research organizations that deserve continued public and private support to continue their important missions. NARUC directors agreed to pursue their efforts to obtain further support for FSEC and the other organizations “to improve our nation’s energy supply and delivery infrastructure to help secure the United States’ domestic energy future.” The NARUC board additionally directed its executive director “to pursue a formal lobbying strategy that will achieve these research and development objectives.” Read more