CANCELLED. Due to unforeseen circumstances, this presentation will be rescheduled.
UCF Energy Connections Seminar Series presents, “Imagination versus Knowledge” by Mr. Gary Starkweather, inventor of the laser printer and color management technology.
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We now live in a world where we have access to stupendous amounts of knowledge. How does this knowledge enable new and innovative ideas or does it? Mr. Starkweather will use the example of the laser printer as insight into imagination and the use of knowledge, and also look at other instances of innovation. Many companies no longer spend much money on
“Imagination versus Knowledge”
research and this is unfortunate. Eli Lilly said that research is the “Soul of the company, the heart of the business.” In 1899, the head of the U.S. Patent department said that the operation ought to be closed down, as all the good ideas have been invented. Since that statement, about 7 million patents have been issued. Imagination is very important. Mr. Starkweather will take a look at it and how it can be supported.
Florida Solar Energy Center, 1679 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, FL 32922-5703
Since the introduction of the automobile in the early 1900’s, there has traditionally been a separation between transportation energy and residential/commercial/industrial energy. With electric vehicles on the rise, however, energy will need to flow freely between vehicles and the grid.
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As we move towards this intersection, we will begin to encounter conflicts between the needs of the vehicle owner and the desires of the grid/building energy operator. For example, the electric vehicle owner is concerned about getting home every day, and ensuring that the battery’s lifetime is not adversely impacted. The grid operator is concerned with maintaining high power quality and reducing the risk of outages as renewable energy sources are increasingly added to the mix. Understanding distinctive needs of each user will lead to better management of energy flows that can benefit transportation, the grid, and society as a whole. This presentation will explore how the needs of the vehicle may be met, while also providing added value to the grid.
Dr. Paul Brooker Biographical Sketch
Dr. Brooker received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University in 2004 and his Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut in 2009. After graduating, Dr. Brooker came to UCF’s FSEC, where he has participated in research ranging from fuel cells to electric vehicles to solar photovoltaics.
Within the DOE-sponsored Fuel Cell High Temperature Membrane Working Group at FSEC, Dr. Brooker’s role was to apply electrodes onto novel membranes, and to investigate the performance in an operating fuel cell environment. In addition, Dr. Brooker investigated the use of heteropolyacids (HPAs) for reducing membrane degradation during accelerated stress testing. As part of the Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC), Dr. Brooker has modeled the use of fuel cells in electric vehicles, as well as electric vehicle infrastructure needs. His research is investigating the potential for fuel cell vehicles to contribute to energy needs beyond transportation, such as grid ancillary services, back-up power, and distributed energy resource management. Dr. Brooker is a project leader within the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium, where he is directing research on diamond wire slicing of silicon ingots. This research is investigating methods to understand diamond wire wear and its effect on the surface of the cut wafer. This understanding could lead to improved control of wafer surfaces, reduced consumption of diamond wire, and increased wafer throughput, all by optimizing the slicing parameters.