Resolve to Save Energy: Five Simple steps to become more energy efficient

Photo of programmable thermostat. 1. Use a programmable thermostat with your air conditioner.Or turn up the temperature setting on your standard thermostat while you are gone. Even a few hours can make a difference in your utility bill.
Photo of compact fluorescent light bulb being installed into lamp. 2. Replace all your light bulbs with compact fluorescent lighting.If you live in a 2000 sq. ft. home, in a year’s time, you could save 1500 kWh and $200! These bulbs can last 3-5 years!
Photo of hand on duct. 3. Inspect your duct system – cool your home not your attic. Contact your local utility for information about inspection and duct repairs.
Photo of hand holding metal ruler in attic insulation. 4. Check your attic insulation.Adding some could help on cooling costs. Also check you door’s weather stripping.
Graphic of partial screen capture of "Turn off computer." 5. Turn it off.Whether it’s turning off lights, or shutting down your computer when it’s not in use, over time, these small efforts can save you big energy dollars.

FSEC Director Testifies Before Florida Senate Committee on Communications and Public Utilities

Tallahassee, Florida, January 10, 2006: The state of Florida can save almost 25 trillion kilowatt hours of its projected 2014 energy use with consumer savings of $450 million by increasing the use of home energy efficiency and renewable energy systems, both of which are eligible for new federal tax credits.

That’s the message from Dr. James Fenton, Director of the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC), in a presentation he gave before the state’s Senate Committee on Communications and Public Utilities on January 10. Read more

Florida Solar Energy Center Offers Free Renewable Energy Workshops for Farmers, Ranchers and Rural Small Businesses

To help increase the number of Florida agricultural businesses that apply for nearly $30 million in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grants for farmers, ranchers and rural small businesses with renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) will conduct workshops in Tallahassee (May 18) and Stuart (May 23). Since only a few Florida farmers or ranchers are taking advantage of these opportunities, FSEC received a grant through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Million Solar Roofs Program to develop and administer these workshops to Florida’s rural and agricultural communities. Read more