Florida Solar Energy Center Director, Dr. James Fenton, Recipient of 2008 UCF Award for Excellence in Distinguished Research

Cocoa, Fla. – Dr. James Fenton, director of the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) and recognized expert in electrochemical engineering, received this year’s University of Central Florida Award for Excellence in Distinguished Research. This honor is awarded to researchers whose work has created an impact within their discipline and in society. Their work is recognized by research peers, has been published and presented on numerous occasions, and provides external grant and contract support for the research.

Fenton has led his team in a wide variety of hydrogen research activities, although he specializes in fuel cell applications. Fenton’s award-winning work focuses on the research and development of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. PEM fuel cells transform chemical energy released during the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to electrical energy, rather than producing mechanical energy as current internal combustion engines do. While PEM fuel cells are being developed primarily for the next-generation automobile engine, they are also being developed as sources for portable power and emergency backup power applications. Read more

Students Do The Teaching at Unique Energy Summit

A student skit on “Hydrogen Hero,” a student-built hydrogen combustion engine and a debate on hydrogen versus gasoline cars were just a few of the projects highlighted at Progress Energy’s YES Summit held at the University of Central Florida on April 20.

The student-led event, kicked-off by a rousing energy cheer from elementary school students, was designed to let students from elementary through high school take the energy-related concepts they had studied during the year — especially in renewable energy and hydrogen — and share that knowledge with the community to reduce our nations energy use. Read more

Florida Solar Energy Center Launches Revamped Hydrogen Web Pages

The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) has launched new web pages for their hydrogen research and development program. The new pages include Hydrogen Basics: H2 Economy, H2 in Florida, Hydrogen Q&A; FSEC Research: Production, Storage, Utilization, Fuel Cells, Funded R&D, Analysis, Delivery, Detection/Safety, Patents; Education; Faculty and Staff; Capabilities and Facilities; Resources: Publications, Videos, Related Links, and a detailed Hydrogen Database. Read more

Used Automobile Oil May Be a Source of Hydrogen

While the phrase “Hydrogen Economy” is heard often these days and is widely anticipated by people who hope to see our world function using renewable energy carriers, all agree that a lot of complex preparatory work still needs to be done.

One of the more interesting hydrogen projects going on now at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) deals with a unique way to produce hydrogen. Dr. Ali Raissi and Karthikayan Ramasamy are developing a process to produce hydrogen based on reformation of used automotive lubricating oils. Read more

Darlene Slattery Receives FSEC Distinguished Researcher Award

Darlene Slattery, a Senior Research Chemist, has been named the Distinguished Researcher at the Florida Solar Energy Center for 2005.

Slattery, who has worked in FSEC’s Hydrogen R&D Division since 1989, earned her Ph.D. in chemistry at the Florida Institute of Technology in 1999.

Her primary area of research has been in the storage of hydrogen to be used for automotive purposes. She has investigated magnesium hydride, lanthanum magnesium hydride, and complex hydrides such as lithium aluminum hydride. All of this work has been funded by the U. S. Department of Energy. Read more