February 6, 2015
Each year at the annual winter meeting of the U.S. Transportation Research Board, the most outstanding student from each participating University Transportation Center (UTC) is honored for his/her achievements and promise for future contributions to the transportation field.
Mr. Thron Crowe was selected by the University of Central Florida’s Electric Vehicle Transportation Center and honored at this year’s 24th Annual Outstanding Student of the Year awards banquet in Washington, DC, on January 20, 2015.

Mr. Crowe, an engineering student at Valencia College and employee at UCF’s Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC), received the award for being responsible for locating and identifying accurate vehicular data in Florida’s main traffic arteries, which will be used for computational modeling of transport systems. He coordinated data collection with the University of Maryland’s Regional Integrated Transportation Information System and the Florida Department of Transportation. Additionally, Mr. Crowe has helped educate students, teachers, consumers, and fleet owners about the benefits of Plug-In Electric Vehicles (PEVs) and using Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment in the public and private environments. Mr. Crowe also recently assisted in the award of a 50-kilowatt Direct Current Fast Charger at FSEC’s research testing facility in Cocoa, Fla.
For more information about UCF’s Electric Vehicle Transportation Center, visit http://evtc.fsec.ucf.edu/ or contact Dr. David Block at block@fsec.ucf.edu or 321-638-1001.