EnergyWhiz Olympics to be Held at FSEC on Saturday

The popular EnergyWhiz Olympics, featuring daylong events for hundreds of students from around the state, will be held at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) on Saturday, May 6, from 9 a.m. until about 4 p.m. The center is at 1679 Clearlake Road in Cocoa.

Each year, hundreds of students from elementary through high school take part in the competitions that feature alternative fuels in the Junior Solar Sprint, Middle School Science Bowl Hands-on Hydrogen Demonstration and High School Hydrogen Sprint. Susan Schleith, who directs these activities for FSEC, noted that there are 49 teams signed up for this year’s Junior Solar Sprint, eight returning teams for the Middle School Science Bowl Hands-on Hydrogen competition and 10 teams for the High School Hydrogen Sprint. Read more

EPEC Awards Program to be Held May 4

The public is invited to attend a reception and awards ceremony for the Exemplary Projects in Energy and Conservation (EPEC) Awards program on Thursday, May 4, at 5 p.m. at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) at 1679 Clearlake Road, Cocoa.

The program was started three years ago as a joint effort between the National Energy Foundation, Johnson Controls and FSEC to recognize Brevard County students who have produced outstanding research relating to renewable energy or energy conservation. This year, 22 students will be honored for their individual projects, along with the top three Energy Patrols from Brevard schools. Three exceptional transportation-related projects will also be recognized by the Space Coast Clean Cities Coalition. Read more

Students Do The Teaching at Unique Energy Summit

A student skit on “Hydrogen Hero,” a student-built hydrogen combustion engine and a debate on hydrogen versus gasoline cars were just a few of the projects highlighted at Progress Energy’s YES Summit held at the University of Central Florida on April 20.

The student-led event, kicked-off by a rousing energy cheer from elementary school students, was designed to let students from elementary through high school take the energy-related concepts they had studied during the year — especially in renewable energy and hydrogen — and share that knowledge with the community to reduce our nations energy use. Read more

FSEC Tax Credit Compliance Software First to be Accredited by National Energy Services Network

“We’re Number One!” is a cheer usually heard at sports events, but they’re saying it a lot these days in the research labs and offices at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC).

That’s because FSEC’s widely acclaimed new software that allows homebuilders around the country to easily and accurately take advantage of the new $2,000 federal tax credits for energy-efficient homes has been selected the first – and so far, the only – software listed in the National Registry of accredited Tax Credit Compliance Software. The listing, maintained by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET), provides information to builders, energy raters, mortgage brokers, tax analysts and others on RESNET accredited software programs for the new tax rules. It is online at . Read more

Southeast Students Compete in Middle School Science Bowl at FSEC

A record-setting 33 teams participated in the Southeast Regional Middle School Science Bowl hosted by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) on April 1, making this annual event one of the largest regional science bowl competitions in the nation.

The Science Bowl is designed to encourage middle school students to excel in mathematics, science and engineering. The event features both a fast-paced question-and-answer competition and a hands-on engineering event. Teams participate in the academic competition until one winning team remains. The top eight teams then participate in a hands-on science activity, building and racing a hydrogen fuel cell model car. Read more