DOE Invests $32 Million to Help Eliminate Natural Gas Flaring at Oil Production Operations

Posted in Energy.Gov
Link: DOE Invests $32 Million to Help Eliminate Natural Gas Flaring at Oil Production Operations
Author: Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management 

FSEC partner, M2X, awarded funds for projects that develop approaches to transform otherwise wasted gas into value-added products while lowering atmospheric emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas. 

Florida’s solar power surge: Why the Sunshine State is investing so much in the sun

Florida’s solar power surge: Why the Sunshine State is investing so much in the sun
Written by: Dave Berman and Laura Layden – USA Today network Florida 
Posted on Florida Today Online

Dr. James Fenton, Director of the Florida Solar Energy Center, comments on the importance and benefits of Florida Power & Light, Duke Energy, and other utility companies solar expansion within the state of Florida.