A Florida Study Showed How to Save Energy at Home. Why Aren’t More Cities and States Following Suit?

Asian woman changing light bulbIn this article by Next City, FSEC’s Danny Parker and Karen Fenaughty discuss energy efficiency phased deep retrofit projects.

…According to Parker, homeowners could be convinced to invest in deep retrofits if the timing was right.

“The sad reality is everything breaks eventually,” he says. “Since, eventually, you have to replace it, you have a choice [about] what will you replace it with.”

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Managing Solar Gain – In southern climates, the sun’s heat is a load to be minimized.

FSEC researchers studied a set of test buildings in Cocoa, Fla., extrapolated the data and using building energy simulations, and estimated the benefits of white reflective walls in other locations. “According to the modeling, going from dark walls to white walls could save about 12% on cooling costs in cities like Orlando, Miami, New Orleans, or Houston.”

Builder | October 16, 2020