Posted in Tampa Bay Times
Title: Here’s why Florida utilities are building lots of solar farms
Author: Craig Pittman
In this opinion piece, Dr. James Fenton is quoted as saying that solar is, “kind of like printing money.”
Posted in Tampa Bay Times
Title: Here’s why Florida utilities are building lots of solar farms
Author: Craig Pittman
In this opinion piece, Dr. James Fenton is quoted as saying that solar is, “kind of like printing money.”
Posted in UCFToday
Link: Making Homes Smarter, Cooler and Cleaner
Author: Robert Stephens
This article details how UCF researchers are exploring ways to retrofit air conditioning systems to help all of us reduce our costs and carbon output, comfortably. “This project fits the reason FSEC was established 50 years ago and the reason I joined them 15 years ago,” says Karen Fenaughty. “It would be satisfying to know we’ve created a win-win for homeowners and contractors, and a big win for the environment.”
Posted in Florida Phoenix
Link: While FL politicians push expensive fossil fuels, utilities are building lots of solar farms
Author: Craig Pittman
In this opinion piece, Dr. James Fenton is quoted as saying that solar is, “kind of like printing money.”
Posted in Energy.Gov
Link: DOE Invests $32 Million to Help Eliminate Natural Gas Flaring at Oil Production Operations
Author: Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
FSEC partner, M2X, awarded funds for projects that develop approaches to transform otherwise wasted gas into value-added products while lowering atmospheric emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas.
EnergyWhiz was held on Saturday, April 20th, 2024. Listed below are the award winners for the competitions: Critter Comfort Cottage, Energy Inspired Art, Junior Solar Sprint, and Solar Energy Cook-off.
1st – Team Turtle-Tastic, Sally Ride Elementary, Orlando Teacher: Beatriz Berriz
2nd – Happy Hamsters, Red Bug Elementary, Casselberry Teacher: Tisha Greek
3rd – EcoDragons, Lockmar Elementary, Palm Bay Teacher: Jennifer Lucas
1st – Sustainable Krill Farm, Switzerland Point Middle, Jacksonville Coach: Ricardo Haragutchi
2nd – Croaky Critters, Pershing K-8, Orlando Teacher: Heather Febres
3rd – The Leaping Lizards (Napoleon), Pershing K-8, Orlando Teacher: Heather Febres