Reedy Named Director of Florida Solar Energy Center's PV Division

Robert M. Reedy, manager of Transmission Line Design with the Georgia Transmission Corporation, has been named director of the Photovoltaics Division at the University of Central Florida¿s Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC).

He brings more than 20 years experience in renewable energy to his new position, including administrative positions with Lakeland Department of Electric and Water Utilities, The Energy Authority in Jacksonville, Turbec Americas, and Georgia Transmission Corp. Read more

Renewable Energy Conference to be Held in Cape Canaveral

A four-day conference on the use and development of renewable energy in the Caribbean will be held in Cape Canaveral June 3 – 6. The program, “Renewables: The Road to Sustainability,” is the seventh in a series sponsored by Sustainable Applications for Tropical Island States (SATIS) and the Caribbean Solar Energy Society.

SATIS 2007 is the only conference featuring renewable energy technologies conducted in the Caribbean, and researchers from universities across the Caribbean will be presenting their latest findings. This is the first time the conference has been held in the United States. Read more

Walt Disney World Co. Wins 2006 Florida Energy Achievement Award

The Walt Disney World Company’s “Strive for Five” energy reduction program has been named the winner of the second annual Florida Energy Achievement Award. The award is presented by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) to a company, organization or individual that has made a significant achievement in the efficient utilization of energy, energy conservation, energy education or renewable energy in the state of Florida.

Jim Fenton, director of FSEC, explained that “Choosing the winner of this year’s competition was especially hard because we had a number of high-quality applications from private companies and utilities who are conducting energy-saving programs in the state and achieving significant results. Our committee felt, though, that Disney’s innovative company-wide program designed to reduce overall energy consumption by 5 percent by involving everyone from management to cast members stood out because of its wide impact as well as its individual components.” Read more

Reedy Named New Photovoltaics Division Director

Photo of Bob Reedy
Bob Reedy

Bob Reedy, manager of Transmission Line Design with the Georgia Transmission Corporation, has been named director of FSEC’s Photovoltaics Division.

If you’ve followed FSEC activities over the years, you’ve certainly read a great deal about Bob’s work with the center, especially during his 12 years as Director of the Engineering and Operations Group and manager of Wholesale and Renewable Energy Businesses at Lakeland Department of Electric and Water Utilities.  At Lakeland Electric, he worked closely with FSEC on projects ranging from setting up a utility-sponsored solar water heating program to his leadership of Lakeland Electric’s development with FSEC of the super-efficient home that began the national Zero Energy Home effort.

This work has given him extensive experience in the utility industry and in the field of distributed power systems, with a specialty in energy marketing, financing and business planning.

Bob brings more than 20 years experience in renewable energy to his new position, including administrative positions with The Energy Authority in Jacksonville, Turbec Americas, and Georgia Transmission Corp.  He received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree and a Master of Science degree from Auburn and an M.B.A. from Florida Southern.  Bob began his new job at FSEC on January 12.

FSEC Offers Free Presentation on Renewable Energy in Disaster Relief

Bill Young, a researcher and disaster relief expert at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC), will give a free presentation for the general public on disaster preparedness using renewable energy technologies on February 22.

The event will be held in the FSEC auditorium at 1679 Clearlake Road in Cocoa, on the campus of Brevard Community College and UCF in Cocoa. The doors will be open at 5:45 p.m. and the hour-long presentation will begin at 6:15 p.m.

The program will focus on two important questions: what do you need to do to prepare for an emergency situation, and what are the benefits of using renewable energy technologies? Solar and other forms of renewable energy offer many benefits to individuals and communities after disasters ranging from hurricanes and severe storms to terrorism or other major calamities, providing power for emergency lighting, medical facilities, shelters and other critical needs. Read more