Bob Reedy
Bob Reedy, manager of Transmission Line Design with the Georgia Transmission Corporation, has been named director of FSEC’s Photovoltaics Division.
If you’ve followed FSEC activities over the years, you’ve certainly read a great deal about Bob’s work with the center, especially during his 12 years as Director of the Engineering and Operations Group and manager of Wholesale and Renewable Energy Businesses at Lakeland Department of Electric and Water Utilities. At Lakeland Electric, he worked closely with FSEC on projects ranging from setting up a utility-sponsored solar water heating program to his leadership of Lakeland Electric’s development with FSEC of the super-efficient home that began the national Zero Energy Home effort.
This work has given him extensive experience in the utility industry and in the field of distributed power systems, with a specialty in energy marketing, financing and business planning.
Bob brings more than 20 years experience in renewable energy to his new position, including administrative positions with The Energy Authority in Jacksonville, Turbec Americas, and Georgia Transmission Corp. He received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree and a Master of Science degree from Auburn and an M.B.A. from Florida Southern. Bob began his new job at FSEC on January 12.