Governor Bush Orders Florida Energy Summit and Development of Comprehensive Energy Plan

On November 10, 2005, Florida Governor Jeb Bush issued Executive Order 05-241 outlining the challenges that Florida faces in energy use and supply in the coming years and directing the Governor’s Office and the Governor’s executive agencies to “continue their energy conservation efforts to reduce the demand for energy in Florida and (they) are further encouraged to develop innovative conservation initiatives to serve as a model for all Floridians.”

The Executive Order also directs the Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to “develop a comprehensive energy plan by evaluating Florida’s current and future energy supply and demand.” As part of the Order, the Governor directs the DEP to “host the 2005 Florida Energy Forum before December 31, 2005, in Tallahassee, Florida” and issue “an updated energy strategy by no later than January 17, 2006.”

The Order directs that “the State’s energy plan shall consider all relevant topics, including, but not limited to the following:

A.  Florida’s current and projected energy needs
B.  A review of Florida’s efforts to meet its current energy needs
C.  Florida’s ability to generate, transmit and distribute electric power
D.  Florida’s ability to generate, store and distribute fuel
E.  Traditional and alternative fuel vehicles
F. Methods by which Florida can protect its energy supplies during an emergency
G. Methods by which the State can reduce barriers and provide incentives to increase energy efficiency in power and fuel consumption.”

The Order further specifies that the above review include, but not be limited to, “laws, regulations, executive orders, Florida’s Building Code, alternative energy investments through the Office of Tourism Trade and Economic Development, Florida’s Energy 2020 Study Commission, Florida’s Energy Future: Opportunities for Our Economy, Environment and Security Report, and conservation plans implemented by the state.”

The following links are provided for additional information:

FSEC Offers Free Public Presentation on Solar Electricity

The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) is introducing a new speaker seminar series on current energy issues with a presentation Wednesday evening, November 30, on photovoltaic energy (solar electric systems). The talk will be given by Dr. Christopher Wronski, the Leonard Professor of Microelectronic Materials and Devices at the Pennsylvania State University. Read more

FSEC Honored with Innovation Award for SunSmart Schools Program

The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) has been honored by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) with one of their 2005 Innovation Awards. The award was presented to the center for serving as project lead on “Florida’s SunSmart Schools Program,” a partnership with the Department of Environmental Protection/Florida Energy Office (DEP), the state’s electric utilities and the solar industry.

FSEC administered the activities that installed solar electric systems in several educational institutes in Florida, including K-12 public and private schools, vocational institutes and universities. Read more

Sarasota County Government Wins the First "Florida Energy Achievement Award"

The 2005 Florida Energy Achievement Award, a new program sponsored by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) to recognize significant achievement in the efficient utilization of energy, energy conservation, energy education or renewable energy in Florida, has been awarded to Sarasota County Government.

A wide variety of energy and environmental programs are demonstrating Sarasotas commitment to sustainable principles and practices as part of community building that integrates economic prosperity, social equity and environmental quality.

The FSEC awards committee chose Sarasota for its many programs that reduce organizational energy use, conserve water, and provide support to other agencies and businesses in their community that are interested in energy conservation.

Among the specific programs and activities are the countys policy that all buildings constructed or renovated meet the highest level of green building certification; a holistic approach to watershed management, conservation and protection; environmentally preferred procurement practices; a “green” building incentive/recognition program for local commercial and residential builders; presentation of conservation awards to individuals, businesses and organizations, and having the first school hydrogen fuel cell demonstration project in the country and new hydrogen education curriculum for their schools.

FSEC, the state of Floridas energy research institute, established the new award to recognize statewide leadership in sustainable energy savings. The award was created as part of activities celebrating the center’s 30th anniversary this year, and will be presented annually to an organization, company or individual in the state. In addition to an award given to the winner, there will be permanent recognition in the energy center’s complex in Cocoa.

For more information on this award, contact Ken Sheinkopf at 321-638-1007 or

The Florida Solar Energy Center, a research institute of the University of Central Florida, is the largest and most active state-supported energy research center in the country. Current research activities include solar water and pool heating, solar electric and distributed generation systems, energy-efficient buildings, alternative transportation systems, hydrogen fuel, fuel cells and other energy areas. For more information about the center, visit or call the FSEC Public Affairs Office at (321) 638-1015.

FSEC to Hold 30th Anniversary Open House

The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) will celebrate its 30th anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 29, with an Open House from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the center in Cocoa.

The day’s events will feature several general interest presentations by FSEC staff on home energy-saving tips, information on tax incentives and rebates, ways to use solar energy for emergencies and disaster relief, and other information on renewable energy technologies, including an overview of hydrogen and fuel cells. There will also be informal chat sessions with researchers, a variety of videos on energy, tours around the center, displays of alternative-fueled vehicles, and many student activities including solar car demonstrations, solar cooking and entertainment.

The event is free and open to the public, so come out and bring your questions on energy to talk with the experts. The event will be held rain or shine. A full schedule of activities will be posted on the FSEC website at

FSEC is located on the Cocoa campus of Brevard Community College/UCF at 1679 Clearlake Road.

The Florida Solar Energy Center, a research institute of the University of Central Florida, is the largest and most active state-supported energy research center in the country. Current research activities include solar water and pool heating, solar electric and distributed generation systems, energy-efficient buildings, alternative transportation systems, hydrogen fuel, fuel cells and other energy areas. For more information about the center, visit or call the FSEC Public Affairs Office at (321) 638-1015.