UCF Establishes Chapter of National Academy of Inventors

By Barb Abney

November 8, 2016

Group photo of inductees into National Academy of Inventers UCF Chapter. UCF Office of Research and Commercialization backdrop behind members.The University of Central Florida inducted 29 researchers into its new chapter of the National Academy of Inventors on Monday night in a gala focused on innovation and invention.

The NAI membership has more than 200 institutional organizations that encourage and support their faculty, staff and students to create innovative and groundbreaking technologies.

“We have faculty and students who are creating technologies that change the world,” said Elizabeth Klonoff, vice president for research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies. “Our past success, in combination with our ever-expanding potential to impact areas as diverse as engineering, education and health, is growing our reputation as a change agent. This NAI chapter will play an important role in growing that reputation and spurring on more innovation, which will benefit our community here and beyond.”

Issa Batarseh, professor of electrical engineering, and Tom O’Neal, associate vice president for commercialization and innovation, will lead UCF’s chapter.

“Innovation is on the rise at UCF and this strong inaugural class of inventors makes it clear that we are making an impact,” O’Neal said.

UCF has routinely ranked among the top universities in the country for the strength of its patents. Together, the inaugural class holds 541 of the 925 patents the university has claimed since 1989.

Several new chapter members – who are already NAI Fellows – were recognized at the gala.

UCF’s newest national fellow, Guifang Li, professor of optics and photonics, physics and engineering, was recognized by the NAI in 2015 for his optical-fiber communications technologies. He is the lead inventor on 24 U.S. issued patents and his work has been influential in building faster and more efficient network-communication systems.

Some of the inaugural members are James J. Hickman, professor of chemistry, biomolecular science and electrical engineering, who is building human-on-a-chip systems to test toxicity of pharmaceuticals and ultimately eliminate the need for human and animal drug trials. Hickman has received 10 U.S. patents while at UCF.

Also, Richard Blair, associate professor of chemistry, has developed a proprietary method to give industry-affordable access to graphene – one of the world’s strongest materials. He has licensed the technology to UCF startup company Garmor Inc. and is the lead inventor on eight U.S. issued patents.

Founded in 2010, the NAI is a non-profit organization with more than 3,000 members. The NAI seeks to recognize and encourage inventors with U.S. patents, enhance the visibility of academic technology and innovation, encourage the disclosure of intellectual property, educate and mentor innovative students, and translate its members’ inventions to benefit society.

Inventors from UCF’s Florida Solar Energy Center, and the number of patents they earned while at UCF, include: Danny Parker (30), Nazim Muradov, Ph.D. (27), Issa Batarseh, Ph.D. (21), and Ali Raissi, Ph.D. (18).

The complete list of UCF fellows is at https://tt.research.ucf.edu/nai

Metrics for Energy Efficient Buildings: How Do We Measure Efficiency?

efficiency level conceptual meter indicates 100 percent, isolated on white background
When it comes to an entire house or building, or comparing homes or buildings, what should the measurement be?

Some measurements are very direct like the height cleared by the Olympic high jumping gold medalist this summer. Efficiency has a number of nuances, though, that make measuring it difficult in terms that allow consumers to make informed decisions. When it comes to an entire house or building, or comparing homes or buildings, what should the measurement be? And how should you compare energy use on-site versus off-site? How do you determine what is efficient about the building versus the operations of the building? And how should renewable energy use or the time of energy use, and time-dependent cost of energy use factor in? Should the emissions of the source of the energy used be factored? To learn more, read the paper written by FSEC’s Deputy Director Philip Fairey and Natural Resources Defense Council’s David Goldstein.

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Metrics for Energy Efficient Buildings: How Do We Measure Efficiency?*


*This paper was presented at the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Pacific Grove, CA in August  2016.

Can a Water Heater Help Cool Your House?

Heat pump water heater inside laundry room of house, photo.
Heat pump water heaters were tested in the lab and in the field.

Most electric water heaters use an electric resistant rod in the tank. But there is another option for electric water heaters – one that is familiar to most Floridians, and that is a dedicated heat pump for heating hot water. Just like a regular heat pump for heating the air in your house, the heat pump water heater has a small compressor unit on top that uses vapor compression to heat the water. Prior FSEC research on heat pump water heaters (HPWH) in Florida showed that they saved approximately 66% of the energy needed to heat water with an electric resistance system. HPWHs also create a quantity of cooled, dehumidified air from the compressor section of the unit as a by-product of their operation. FSEC researchers found out that a HPWH coupled to the conditioned living space can reduce space-conditioning energy in a cooling-dominated climate, but with qualifications a lab test was undertaken to investigate the effect of coupling a garage located HPWH to the conditioned space with ductwork. With the HPWH ducted to and from the interior, cooling energy dropped by 4% or 0.8 kWh/day. Effect on space heating energy for this configuration could not be determined. Experiments also investigated using an outdoor air source for the HPWH, to supplement ventilation. During the cooling season, the HPWH tempered the outdoor air with only a minimal impact on cooling energy. Space heating energy increased by 18% or 1.4 kWh/d. The space coupling of the HPWH had a minimal impact on water heating efficiency.

In later field evaluation, eight occupied homes were retrofitted with a HPWH coupled to the conditioned space. Results were more pronounced than the lab evaluation: cooling energy savings averaged 8% (1.1 kWh/day). Space heating energy use increased by 24%, although with considerable variation and little application in Florida’s mild climate. The evaluation suggested the coupling eroded some of the HPWH water heating energy use savings, reducing it by 0.4 kWh/day or 11%. If not located in the house, you often end up with a slightly cooler garage.

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Measured Performance of Ducted and Space-Coupled Heat Pump Water Heaters in a Cooling Dominated Climate*


*This paper was presented at the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Pacific Grove, CA on August 22 -26, 2016.

Getting to a Near-Zero Energy Existing Home

Rear view of house with screened in back porch and solar electric array with 36 panels on roof
Near-zero energy use home after deep energy retrofits.

Monitoring results over a four-year period document a phased retrofit applied to a central Florida home with very high electricity consumption, eventually ending in a home with near-zero energy use. The retrofit included simple pass-through measures, such as the installation of efficient lighting and low-flow shower heads, as well as deeper measures which included a high-efficiency space heating and space cooling controlled by a smart thermostat, a heat pump water heater, and ENERGY STAR® appliances. The average household electricity use was reduced through a combination of these efficiency measures and photovoltaic power generation by 82%. Results from the case study, and nine other deep retrofits suggest how an effective zero-energy home (ZEH) program can be implemented in otherwise poorly performing existing homes.

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From Energy Guzzler to Near-Zero Energy Home: Lessons from the Phased Deep Retrofit Project

*This paper was presented at the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Pacific Grove, CA on August 22 -26, 2016.

A More Efficient Way to Dry Clothes?

Clothes and towels inside the dryer, photo.
Clothes dryers with heat pump technology were installed in eight project field homes.

Electric clothes dryers represent 5% (790 kWh) of annual energy use in Florida homes. Clothes dryers with heat pump (HPCD) technology, which use substantially less energy than standard resistance dryers, are relatively new to the domestic market. In eight FSEC project field homes, electric resistance clothes dryers were replaced with a new unvented HPCD. The estimated median energy savings are 34% (264 kWh/year or 0.72 kWh/day), and average annual savings are 36% (308 kWh/year or 0.9 kWh/day).

Dryer energy use graph, site 25, January 2014 to December 2015
Energy use showed saving more than 30 percent.

Although HPCDs use less electricity than standard resistance dryers, they still release a significant amount of heat from their operation. The unvented units that were located inside the home led to very high utility room temperatures and increases in space-cooling energy that may compromise identified savings; this is an issue the manufacturer is addressing. Given the heat issues, these unvented appliances are appropriate in Florida only if they will be installed outside of the conditioned space—typically in the garage. We further speculate, based on observed findings, that another technology—vented heat pump clothes dryer—may be the most appropriate dryer system type for Florida conditions.

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Measured Performance of Heat Pump Clothes Dryers*


*This paper was presented at the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Pacific Grove, CA on August 22 -26, 2016.