COCOA, October 31, 2014
Mayor Buddy Dyer was the guest of honor this week aboard a zero-emission electric passenger bus during its Orlando tour stop. The Catalyst, a 40-passenger battery-electric bus manufactured by Proterra, picked up the mayor and several of his staff at City Hall for a quick trip around downtown Orlando. The Central Florida stop was one of only a few remaining demonstrations taking place on its way back home to Greenville, SC after a cross-country tour.
![Photo of Mayor Dyer waving to passengers inside of electric bus.](
The event was part of a two-day tour stop that started on Tuesday at the City of Orlando Fleet and Facilities Headquarters and featured presentations on the city’s award winning fleet operations, and its energy-efficient and solar-powered building. Staff from the UCF Electric Vehicle Transportation Center provided an overview of their research efforts, and Get Ready Central Florida, the electric vehicle working group of the Central Florida Clean Cities Coalition, gave a presentation. The afternoon culminated with a presentation from Proterra Founder Dale Hill and a ride on the bus. Participants included representatives of the region’s electric utilities, transit agencies, business incubators, and theme parks. The Central Florida Clean Cities Coalition (CFCCC), the City of Orlando, and Metroplan Orlando hosted the bus demonstration.
Wednesday’s event brought together the region’s transportation planners and decision makers for a brief networking session and presentation on the Proterra bus at MetroPlan Orlando. Participants embarked the bus and traveled to Orlando City Hall, where Mayor Buddy Dyer stepped aboard and rode the bus around the downtown area. Passengers experienced first-hand, the clean, quiet and efficient technology of Proterra’s second generation electric bus. The Catalyst has a fuel efficiency equivalent to 20 mpg, and with its specially designed lithium titanate batteries, and revolutionary charge station installed on-route, it can quickly charge in as little as five minutes and fully charge in 10 minutes.
For more information about the event, contact Colleen Kettles at or call 407-620-7613.
About Proterra
Proterra is a world leader in the design and manufacture of zero-emission vehicles that enable bus fleet operators to reduce operating costs and deliver clean, quiet transportation to the community. Proterra’s second-generation bus is the world’s most fuel-efficient battery electric bus and features advanced on-route, fast-charge technology that enables infinite range. With unmatched durability and energy efficiency based on rigorous testing at Altoona, the Proterra product is proudly made in America and based in Greenville, SC USA.
About MetroPlan Orlando
MetroPlan Orlando is the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties – the Orlando Urban Area. As a regional MPO, MetroPlan Orlando provides the forum for local elected officials, their staff, citizens, and industry experts to work together to improve transportation in Central Florida.
About Central Florida Clean Cities Coalition
The Central Florida Clean Cities Coalition is sponsored by the US Department of Energy and exists to promote petroleum reduction wherever possible. The coalition supports sustainable transportation practices through efforts to advance deployment of alternative fuel technologies, mass transit projects, and fleet optimization measures throughout our coalition territory as well as with other Clean Cities Coalitions throughout Florida. The Coalition is a non-profit corporation and administered by the UCF’s Florida Solar Energy Center.
Photo: Mayor Dyer boards the Proterra “Catalyst” battery-electric bus and is greeted by MetroPlan Orlando Executive Director Harry Barley (center) and City of Orlando Fleet Manager Daryl Greelee (upper right).